The state of Israel, to which US taxpayers have provided hundreds of millions of dollars in deadly weaponry, has hijacked both the White House and Congress, making the US complicit with Israel's genocidal war on the people of Palestine, is now beyond dispute. It must be stopped or what remains of our democracy will not be worth saving.”

— Jeff

Ceasefire now and arms embargo on Israel! The Gaza genocide is enabled by the endless flow of weapons and money to the genocidal, pariah state of israel which has completely decimated Gaza and is slaughtering, maiming, and starving countless children and an entire civilian population. There is NO excuse for this barbarity. This is NOT "self defense" in any way, shape or form. Stop the charade and trampling on the most basic tenets of international law, and even US laws, or lose the election and you only have yourselves to blame. A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein and what she stands for. Get your act together, reject AIPAC and its perversion of the democratic system, and end the genocide NOW!

— Ghada

The world is watching as we are funding this genocide.

— Jannick

I would like to vote Democrat, as I have done forever, but genocide is a “hard no” for me. Ceasefire and arms embargo or the Democratic Party will not have my vote

— Lisa T.

As a Palestinian Refugee/activist and a resistor, I have read the content of this pledge, and I agree with all of it, From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, and very soon….

— Kamal

You have my vote once you immediately instate an arms embargo on Israel, and call for an immediate ceasefire and hostage deal. I'd vote blue if blue represented PEACE in the world, instead of profit for stakeholders.

— Margaret

t's vitally important that we hold the Harris-Walz ticket accountable. We will not vote for them unless they demand an immediate ceasefire and open Gaza aid corridors.

— Greta

As of this moment, I am an uncommitted voter due to the Democratic Party's casual disregard for the human lives it's destroying.

— Emily

As a Jewish American, I have had enough of the genocide being perpetrated in my name. Ceasefire now!!!!

— Kimberly

I will not consider voting blue until it is done. Otherwise, my vote will go to a third-party candidate, and the metrics will reflect that the third party got votes.

— William

I have been a committed member of the Democratic Party for 40 years, but I can no longer support an administration that overlooks the suffering of Palestinian lives unless there is a shift in policy before the election. As a Palestinian American, I have witnessed the ongoing violence and hardship faced by my people, and it deeply hurts to see policies that appear to prioritize military aid to Israel over human dignity and justice for Palestinians. The current stance of this administration indicates that our lives are seen as less significant, prompting me to leave the party and become an independent voter, although I am willing to vote Democrat if there is a meaningful policy change.

— Kristin

Unless they support an arms embargo and the end of the ethnic cleansing I won't vote for Kamala or anyone else who doesn't support the cease-fire and the end of the genocide of women children and the elderly.

— Robin

I cannot be a Democrat if representation by Democrats continue to support Israel with billions of dollars and war arms with such absolute conviction. There is no justice here, no compassion for the Palestinians.

— Herman

I’m horrified at what is being done in my name as a U.S. citizen. The joint U.S.-Israeli war on the Palestinian people must end. The systematic subordination, imprisonment, and genocide of an entire people based on their ethnicity must end. I will vote accordingly.

— Ida

The demands should include a permanent ceasefire AND arms embargo, along with stringent economic sanctions tied to Israel paying for the rebuilding of Gaza.

— Kevin

Madam Vice President, you sent a strong message today, and you made many of us feel proud to be American for the first time in a long time, but there is still much work to be done. I'm not talking about winning the election. I'm talking about winning hearts. I'm talking about stopping genocide. It cannot be antisemitic to support the Palestinian people, who are themselves Semitic. It cannot be antisemitic to criticize the involvement of any foreign government in America's elections, Israel or otherwise. It cannot be antisemitic for American Jews to demand Israel to stop committing atrocities in their names. And we cannot continue to use our taxpayer dollars to fund those atrocities. It is genocide to drive people from their land, level their cities, burn and behead their children, and steal their homes. It is genocide and we cannot support it. Please. Please get to work. We need to win the Heart of this country back, but as long as we support Israel in its war crimes against humanity, there can be no victory. None of us is free, Madam Vice President, until ALL OF US are free.

— Braden

I refuse to vote for someone who is helping to aid a genocide against an indigenous population. I care about this issue because it reflects my larger care for human rights, this is my red line.

— Jane

The Gaza genocide, funded and enabled by the US, is the most morally unconscionable atrocity of modern times. And it has harmed US standing throughout the world, ultimately pushing us to the brink of all out war in the Middle East, and beyond. Stop this literal insanity now.

— Lisa

 This is the single most important issue of our lifetimes.

— Patrick

 I’m Jewish and I oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza

— Rich

The genocide continues as the world sits by and watches. It is time the US stops funding this carnage and Israeli govt is arrested for war crimes now.

— Sabine

Ceasefire NOW. End the occupation. End AIPAC. Give Palestine back to its rightful owners! Or you will not be getting my vote in November.

— Leslie

I believe the Democrats should do both - a ceasefire and an end of arms supply to Israel.

— Brenda

I was a big supporter of the democrats, but now, I won’t be able to support them due to their stance in supporting the genocide in Gaza. That’s where I draw the red line !!!!


No more "tribute" payments to the apartheid genocidal regime.

— Tom

It's time you work for the people and not donors.

— Jilly

Madame Vice President, as Toni Morrison said, "your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else". Please free Palestine!

— Saamiya

We’ve seen the horrific images, the fear in the faces of children and human beings, the shredding of bodies and international laws. I’ve never been so ashamed of this country, who has killed so many innocent people.


"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!" This is not a call for the death of Israel and Jews, but a call for the right of Palestinians to exist, the right to Palestinian freedom, the right to Palestinian self-governance, the right for Palestine to exist in peace, focusing on the greater good.

— Mersida

The United States has become immoral on so many levels that I cannot even list them all. But above all else is the support for terrorism. And there is no other way to describe what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades.

— Kevin

This lifelong Dem will NOT vote unless these demands are obtained.

— Jennifer

I am horrified that the party that professes to support human rights is instead not only supporting but funding a genocide! This is outrageous and my conscience will not allow me to vote for baby killers. Harris must show us she has the moral courage to enforce an arms embargo against Israel should she win. THIS HAS TO STOP NOW!

— Gia

The current situation in Gaza is untenable. Watching thousands of children die in real time with weapons provided by our tax dollars has made me question the very foundation of who we are as a nation. I believe that we can do better- and urge you to act immediately to end the suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza.

— TK

The Democrats have already committed the crime of genocide! I will never vote for the party again no matter what they do. There is no such thing as an acceptable amount of genocide

— Aaron

My family is Palestinian American refugees and we have lost countless family and friends to this American-funded and supported war. I never thought the party to which I belong would not only be complicit but be an actual perpetrator of genocide on any people, let alone my people.

— Rhonza

How can I vote for a party that actively kills masses of innocent civilians with our tax money? You have an opportunity to turn this around and be on the side of humanity. Otherwise, no vote from me and almost everyone I know!!

— Ruba

While I understand there are no guarantees she will either commit to these demands or remain committed if she wins. In any event, my signature serves to lock in my commitment to not vote for her if she ignores this petition and I withhold my vote from the Democratic party until it does commit to these demands. In that spirit, I urge everyone currently uncommitted to sign this pledge.

— Teresa

I have registered Green because the Dems have sold out for genocide. It will take a lot of support for Palestine from the Dems for millions of us to change our minds.

— Miroku

So sorry Kamala, I’ve been going To Israel since 1998 confronting IOF soldiers at checkpoints and letting them know that from my experience with American veterans who were told they wouldn’t suffer from killing other humans is that they suffer, horribly and terribly… Because human beings don’t kill other human beings without paying a terrible price. I’ve also been going to Palestine for the same number of years as a human rights activist and then as a political rights activist. So let me tell you, you know it’s morally wrong to support Israel’s genocide in Gaza. But I know it’s wrong viscerally because I have personal friends in the Israeli Army who are killing Palestinians; children, women, old people, and noncombatants and I know how much they will suffer in the future. I also have Palestinian and Israeli personal friends who are dying because of this monstrous wrong. I might understand why you say “Israel has the right to defend itself“ and “Israel is our best friend in the Middle East“, but I simply cannot continue to support a democratic party whose actions in the Middle East are for political reasons and political reasons only.

— John

I’m not really into party politics I’m an Anarchist. But it is of the utmost importance to free occupied Palestine and to end the genocide.

— Valerie

"I support a ceasefire" has become the new "I support a two-state solution." We are not dumb voters, and we don't owe you our votes just because the Republicans are more vocal about the same oppression the Democrats committing. Decolonize Palestine or I'll never vote blue again.

— Selma

The mass murder of civilians and the killing of children is on the Democrat’s watch. I am willing to risk the fascism here to force the Democratic Party to stop funding this genocide. This time they must act before speaking.

— Roxanne M

I am in mourning for the SOUL of Judaism now being desecrated by the State of Israel’s GENOCIDE

— Dennis

End the genocide because the blood that is on our hands will never come out. Our decedents will curse our names when we are in the grave for the atrocities we have committed, Remember the Liberty.

— Justin

There’s nothing I want more than to keep Trump out of the White House. But I cannot in good conscience vote for a party platform that includes a complete disregard for Palestinian lives and holds them as worth less than Israeli lives. The clincher was at the DNC when you refused to allow even one Palestine voice to speak.


The only way I will consider voting for Kamala is if she comes out publicly denouncing Israel's genocide and naming the US violation of the Leahy Laws and the 4th Geneva Convention and secures a permanent ceasefire during the Biden administration, with a solemn commitment to prevent any further aid to Israel, of any kind, period, forever.

— Barbara

If the Democrats do nothing about this Genocide, I will work tirelessly - every single day for the rest of my life to ensure that no Democrat sits in the White House again. #DemExit

— Leah

Never again means never again

— Chris