The Blue Vote - Red Line Pledge

We hereby pledge to vote Democratic on November 5th only if the current administration: 1) enforces an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as ordered by the World Court and UN Security Council Resolution 2735 or 2) ends all military aid to Israel.

The ceasefire must include:

  • Unimpeded entry of food, water, electricity, fuel, medical supplies, and other basic needs into Gaza

  • Free and safe access for medical personnel, human rights and aid workers, and journalists

  • An end to settlement expansion, settler violence, and unprovoked Israeli military attacks in the West Bank

Israel’s assault on more than 2 million trapped, homeless and starving civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It is occurring amid an unprecedented wave of settler violence and land theft in the West Bank. The Biden Administration has supported these actions with tens of billions of dollars in military and financial aid while shielding them from accountability. We will not vote to continue these policies.

Some Americans fear that a Republican victory could mean the end of American democracy, but how can we talk about democracy when the will of the people is ignored by our elected officials? Tolerance of genocide makes all of us less safe and has no place in a democratic society.

A majority of Americans and 80% of Democrats want a ceasefire. Countless citizens in battleground states will stay home or vote third party if this genocide is not ended. If Democrats want to win this election, they must change course on Palestine. 

This is our pledge to the Democratic Party:

Ceasefire now and we vote blue.

Cross our red line and lose the White House.

What Are Signers Saying About This Pledge?

We have supplied the weapons used by the murderers. We must stop now. As much as I hate Trump and cannot vote for him, I also cannot vote for a party that supports genocide.


It's outrageous what Israel is doing to a trapped population. We have got to make our politicians listen to us.


I cannot vote for genocide. I just can't. AT LEAST STOP IT. At least stop funding it. For the love of God.


Democrats can either risk losing the election to serve Israel, or they can force a ceasefire and garner the undecided vote!


Unfortunately, the democratic leadership is again making a grave mistake, which will cost us the elections. They’ve done this in the past with Hillary, and let Trump win. The mistake? They are not listening to the voters. An overwhelming majority of the Democratic base has asked for a ceasefire in Gaza for several months. While Biden and Harris claim that getting a ceasefire deal is difficult, there is another simple path to stopping this g3n0cide that does not require any deals: stop arming the g3n0cide. Stop funding the g3n0cide. These two actions will put an immediate stop to this genocide. We need an immediate end. Kamala Harris and the democratic leadership need to understand this. The voters do not want to be complicit in this g3n0cide, and there is a simple path to stopping it, and if it is not stopped, the democrats will hand the victory to Trump. Once again.


I will not vote for any political party that tolerates genocide--especially a political party that actively supports genocide. I am not looking for words, but actions. Every word of this petition speaks for me. As a United Methodist pastor, I will continue to communicate and organize--either for or against you. Action now.


Palestine needs to be free of occupation, and Gazans need to have their land back but most important now the US must stop aiding the war on them in any form, no funds, no troops, no weapons. Full stop.


Military aid to Israel must end. Stop sending billions so Israel can purchase arms from US companies
